Easiest Way to Cook Appetizing Kuey teow goreng (chinese food)

Kuey teow goreng (chinese food). Saya hari ini membuat kuey teow goreng menggunakan kuey teow jenis halus halus yang dikatakan lebih sedap. Kemudian masukkan kuey teow dan gaul rata. Try this simple and delicious fried Kuey Teow recipe!

Kuey teow goreng (chinese food) The Chinese term 'Char kuey teow' means stir-fried flat rice noodles. It may have originated from China's province Guangdong but various versions of stir-fried rice noodles are found in many Southeast Asian countries. It was first sold by fishermen, farmers and cockle-gatherers throughout Southeast Asia. You can cook Kuey teow goreng (chinese food) using 10 ingredients and 17 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

Ingredients of Kuey teow goreng (chinese food)

  1. Prepare packet of Kuey teow -1.
  2. It’s of Tofu -1.
  3. It’s of Oil – to fry.
  4. It’s 2 spoon of Soya sauce -.
  5. It’s 3 spoon of Tomato ketchup -.
  6. It’s spoon of Oyster sause -3.
  7. It’s of Salt -to taste.
  8. You need of Spinach – optional (i dnt like so cant add in this recipe).
  9. Prepare of Dry chilli paste -4 spoon(soak chilli in water 1/2hr) grind well.
  10. You need of Water – depend.

In Indonesia, there is a similar dish known as kwetiau goreng (Indonesian: fried flat rice noodles) and is served in Chinese restaurants, street side tent warung. Food taste good but a little bit oily. Char Kuey Teow is basically flat rice noodles stir-fried with shrimp, bloody cockles, Chinese lap cheong (sausage), eggs, bean sprouts, and chives in a mix of soy sauce. A great serving of Char Kuey Teow is flavored not only with the freshest ingredients, but equally important is the elusive charred aroma from.

Kuey teow goreng (chinese food) instructions

  1. This is brown rice kuey teow.
  2. This is tofu, Make a small pieces.
  3. Soak the dry chilli in water 1/2 hr after Grind the chilli paste well.
  4. Boil kuey teow in water one by one.
  5. Stir well., Drain the water for remove wax…
  6. Wash with cold water and keep aside in a colander. Toss with some oil to avoid sticky.
  7. Heat a pan add 5 spoon of oil fry the tofu little browny n crispy.
  8. The tofu came like this..
  9. Add kuey teow into the pan if u want spinach, add after tofu n add kuey teow..
  10. Mix well, Add soya sauce 2 spoon.
  11. Add tomato ketchup 3 spoon.
  12. Add grinded chilli paste 3 spoon.
  13. Mix all the ingredients well with kuey teow.
  14. N after add salt to taste.
  15. Add oyster sauce 3 spoon mix well.
  16. Taste the kuey teow if u want salt r spicy.., add that finally. Mix well..
  17. Tasty kuey teow goreng ready… Nw transfer into the bowl…

Senang je nak buat kuey teow goreng basah. Guna resepi ni kena pandai agak nak letak kuah banyak mana. Laki duk perabis makan menu ni, lepastu Sebab bila masak kuey teow goreng letak telur masa masak, kuah akan jadi pekat. Sebab bahan macam air & kicap diletak dalam kuantiti yang sedikit. Kuey teow goreng yang popular adalah kuey teow kerang, ianya adalah faberet kami sekeluarga.